2345首页 » 动物百科 » 棕胫木虱跳小蜂

所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 昆虫纲 » 有翅亚纲 » 膜翅目 » 跳小蜂科 »

学名:Psyllaephagus nartshukae
Body length 1-2 mm; body color metallic green or blue-green; occipital margin rounded; mandible with 1(usually) or 2 teeth and a broad truncation; axillae metting medially; mesopleuron not expanded posteriorly so that propodeum is clearly visible in lateral view above hind coxae; marginal vein punctiform to slightly longer than broad, postmarginalvein well developed, linea calva not interrupted. Female: antennae with 6 funicular segments and cylindrical in cross section; clava 2-or 3-segmented; hypopygium not extending to apex of gaster; ovipositor hidden to well exserted. Male: antennae with 6 funicular segments, branched or unbranched, the segments varying from cylindrical with very long setae tobroadened and flattened with very short setae; clava unsegmented; phallobase with well developed digiti, each with one to three apical hooks.